If You Can Change Your Mind, You Can Change Your Life - A Transformative Training for Foster Parents
Join us for an inspiring hour of transformative parenting especially designed for Foster Parents!
In this high-level yet comprehensive overview, attendees will:
Gain insights into the Transformative Mindset.
Uncover the Power of Mindset and discover how a positive shift can impact the lives of those around you.
Gain valuable perspectives and learn empathetic approaches to Foster Parenting.
Learn practical strategies and strength-based approaches including empowering meditation techniques.
After this training, attendees will be equipped to:
Harness the Transformative Mindset for growth and success (for oneself and one's Foster Youth in care)
Implement positive mindset shifts encouraging positive changes in the lives of Foster Youths
Apply empathetic and strength-based approaches to foster parenting, enhancing a nurturing environment for children in need.
Register TODAY and be part of this inspiring learning experience!
*Training is from 5:30pm - 6:30pm Weekdays
We Look Forward to Seeing You There!
~ The Foster Parent Training Academy Team